In the digital media there are different types of beliefs regarding the different uses given to the Internet, some of them can become potential risks and crimes to the identity of each person.
"The danger is in the street not in the digital media."
Children and adolescents are not prepared to face content and contact risks. That is why they need adult supervision. It is important that as adults we are aware of the risks associated with the use of the Internet and ICTs, as adults are also exposed.
The risks associated with the use of the Internet is a latent alert about a possible situation in digital environments, which can affect ourselves and people close to us both in the present and in the future. These risks can be addressed if we act responsibly.
According to the National Police Cyber Center, the top three scam vectors of 2019 were:
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Sexting: is the exchange of messages, text or videos with erotic and sexual content, of oneself or others. If the content circulated is of persons under 18 years of age, it is a crime.
According to data from the Gaula of the National Police, during mandatory isolation in Colombia, the figures of extortion by sexting increased 130%. In May 2019, 124 cases were reported and in 2020 it rose to 240 cases.
3. Cyberdependence: this is understood as the compulsive or uncontrolled use of cell phones, computers, video game consoles or online games, including online gambling. Cyberdependence is a latent digital risk that affects not only children and adolescents, but also adults.
"It is not true that children and adolescents only have fun on the Internet and that is why they are not at risk."
4. Cyberbullying or cyberbullying: occurs when we repeatedly engage in hostile behavior with the intention of hurting another. It is associated with the dissemination of lies about others, embarrassing or intimate images, sending hurtful, threatening or denigrating messages.
How to deal with cyberbullying
5. Cyber Extortion: are acts by which criminals seek benefits, usually economic, through the use of force, violence and intimidation threatening life and good name.
Speaker: Viviana Rodríguez. Trainer of the ICT program Confio+, Bachelor in Biology and Master in Education.
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